Running a Business, a Family, and a Farm

Sep 08, 2020

Running a Business, a Family, and a Farm by Rikki Arnett

Wow has my life changed, I’m scared and excited all at the same time. It seems crazy that for a month I have been working on this. It seems like I have been preparing for years.  I have always loved helping people and learning more about individuals, to listen and try to help in any way I could. Now I have more availability to do this!!!!

I went from working out of the house as a dental assistant - trying to keep a family running, working on our family business and starting a farm... to working from home full time, actually being a mom and a wife, and believe it or not, I’m turning into a farmer and since I love animals is FUN and hard all at the same time…

I have received a lot of help and tips to grow in my new career, and to be able to help others do this also. The community that we are in keeps positive words of encouragement and life skills available at all times.  We work together to improve our own lives as well as helping each other stay accountable. 

Being able to help people find health and wellness is such a rewarding experience, and I'm so glad Justin decided to add this to our lives 3 years ago. We are learning so much about our family and health and being farmers, when we say we are #LIVINGOURBESTLIFE we really are, perfect NO - I’m still learning and growing every day.

Everyday, you need to get up and tell yourself you're worth it!! Your family is worth it!! Your life is worth it!!!  You need to find a morning routine to start your day; a devotion, meditation, or an activity to help clam you and get you ready for your day.

Life can be a struggle and by no means do I have this life figured out but every day I’m working on me, which make me a better mother, wife, and friend. As a coach I want to do the best I can to help my clients also. Not only do I work on helping them but they help me too. We work together to find the best version of ourselves.

Being able to take advise, to learn and to grow are crucial elements that I work on everyday to better my life and the lives of my family. I want to be able to encourage and help others like me (or not like me) to also grow and learn to be better for themselves and their families. There are so many ways to help people and for me to be able to be someone who gets to do this everyday as my career is amazing. I feel I’m truly blessed and ready to go out and help others change and find health and happiness.


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