Tips to Balance Life and Increase Energy

Aug 03, 2020

Tips to Balance Life and Increase Energy By Maryna Marchuk

Hi, I’m Maryna Marchuk, a mom of a 3 year old and a Health and Life Coach.
I help busy working moms to design a simple self-care routine to double their energy and balance life.
I became a mom at 35 and then transitioned from an Investment Banker to a Coach.
I am a recovering perfectionist on my 6 year expat journey with autoimmune health challenges.

I love adrenaline, authenticity, crafts, reading and humor. 
I like to connect with women who love to read and have trust in the Universe and Higher-Self, who are willing to take action even though it may seem scary and uncertain.
πŸ’š My top 4 tips to double your energy:
Start your day with 5 minute loving activity 
Have at least 1 hour vacation from electronic devices daily
Award yourself for your wins weekly
Have 15 minutes to detox mind and body, declutter your environment weekly
My top 10 tips to balance your life:
😍 Cultivate authenticity. Be a recovering perfectionist and human. Remember you are worthy of love, acceptance and belonging now.
πŸ’š Lovingly connect to your body with rest and sleep, outdoor time and physical activities. 
Practice self-compassion by having caring routines you can do now.
βœ… Cultivate resilience by inviting critical awareness, realistic goals and letting go of exhaustion and numbing with over-functioning
❌ Let go of uncertainty, perfectionism, what other people think, fear of the dark, comparison, self-doubt and being in control
Slow down to the pace of your life that you LOVE by adding playfulness, stillness and calm time
Have support from family, friends and like-minded groups of people who share your beliefs
Invite your Inner Cheerleader creativity with laughter, hobbies and fun, being present for 100% with your family and at work.
Build trust in connection with Higher-Self by committing to inner work and consistently doing baby steps.
πŸ₯‘ Use your intuition to find food and activities that give you energy. 

I’m friendly and love to connect. Friend me at my private page Maryna Marchuk and send a  πŸ’š if you want a talk.
More about what I do is here


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